We pleased to share the GeoServer 2.14.5 maintenance release. Downloads are provided (zip war) along with docs (html pdf) and extensions.

This is a maintenance release of the GeoServer 2.14 series and is a recommended update for existing installations.

A large number of individuals contributed to this release, with efforts primarily focused on the setup of a new build box for the team. Thanks to Torben, Tom, Andrea and Jody for their work restoring the build server. Some activities (windows installer, CITE testing) are still available to work on.

This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 20.5 and GeoWebCache 1.14.5. For more information please see GeoServer release notes (2.14.5 2.14.4 2.14.3   2.14.2   2.14.1 2.14.0 2.14-RC).

Improvements and Fixes

This release a few improvements and several bug fixes:

  • Upgrade Jetty to 9.4.18.v20190429
  • That GeoTIFF sources configured with earlier versions of GeoServer 2.14.x might not work in 2.15.x is now fixed in this version.

  • Many dependencies have been updated, along with small bug fixes as described in the release notes.

About GeoServer 2.14 series

Additional information on the GeoServer 2.14 series: