GeoServer at FOSS4G
Thanks to PDX-OSGeo local chapter and the organising committee of FOSS4G for a great event. We had a great time meeting everyone, enjoyed an excellent and diverse program, and productive weekend code sprint.
Marcus Sen and Jody Garnett have kindly gathered up links to GeoServer content.
Group Talks:
GeoServer Feature Frenzy (slides)— Jody Garnett, Boundless, Andrea Aime, GeoSolutions (Best of GeoServer as described by our email list)
State of GeoServer and GeoTools 2014 (slides)— Jody Garnett, Boundless, Andrea Aime, GeoSolutions, Justin Deolivera, Boundless _(Skip to the end for a peek at the 2.7.0 roadmap/wish list) _
GeoServer Talks:
Advanced Security With GeoServer (slides)— Mauro Bartolomeoli, GeoSolutions Sas
Raster Data In GeoServer And GeoTools: Achievements, Issues And Future Developments (slides)— Andrea Aime
Mapping in GeoServer with SLD and CSS (slides)— Andrea Aime
GeoScript - A Geospatial Swiss Army Knife — Justin Deoliveira
Comparative Evaluations:
Evaluation of Web Processing Service Frameworks, Ebrahim Poorazizi, University of Calgary, Andrew J.S. Hunter, University of Calgary
WPS Benchmarking Session — Gérald Fenoy, GeoLabs SARL (Big thanks to Gérald as cross project presentations are a lot of work. Kudos to Ian Turton for setting up GeoServer WPS for benchmark)
Vertical Integration:
Big size meteorological data processing and mobile displaying system using PostgresSQL and GeoServer — Jaehyun Kwun, Gaia3D
Adopting OGC Standards in a Flood Alert System — Ivan Martinez, FCTH / SAISP
Integrating FOSS4G into an enterprise system for Disaster Management — David Askov
Scaling for NYC while Tracking Plows — Colin Reilly, NYC DoITT
Supporting Open Data with Open Source — Micah Wengren, NOAA, Jeff de la Beaujardiere, NOAA
GeoMesa: Distributed Spatiotemporal Analytics — Anthony Fox, Commonwealth Computer Research, Inc (A great example of hooking GeoServer up to big data - see abstract wednesday, Session 3, Track 6)
Open Source Social Media Aggregation and Geolocating for Emergency Management — Dan King, Viewpoint Computer Services
Web and mobile enterprise applications — Peter Batty, Ubisense
Case Study of Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources with FOSS GIS Marcelo Soares Souza, Hex - Tecnologias Geospaciais Inovadoras (Sorry no video link!)
MapStory: The next plateau — Ian Schneider
GeoTools, GeoServer, GeoGit: A Case Study of Use in Utility Field Work — Peter Hansen (Shucks - looks like Peter found an experiment on GitHub and did not talk to developers)
Misc / GeoTools:
Using FOSS Tools, UAVs and Linear Referencing to Better Manage Federal Levee Data — Wilhelm Breitkreutz, U.S. Army Corps
Open Web Mapping: An educational resource for creating online maps using free and open source software (About a course in using FOSS4G tools including GeoServer)
PyWPS - 4 project report — Jachym Cepicky (Planning to support GeoServer for complex data management and serving in the future)
Tileserver on a diet using node.js — Igor Tihonov, Hemnet (Rejected use of GeoServer)
- GeoServer 2.26.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.1 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.0 Release
- CVE-2024-36401 Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in evaluating property name expressions
- GeoServer 2.25.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.24.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.23.6 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.1 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.0 Release