GeoServer accepted to OSGeo incubation
It’s official! We are pleased to announce that GeoServer has been accepted into incubation at the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). Putting GeoServer under the same roof as all the best geospatial projects in the open source world is a great advance for the project. While GeoServer is not yet an official OSGeo project, just getting accepted in to the incubation process is a firm indicator that we are on the right track. The process makes sure that we meet all of OSGeo’s standards for a diverse community, a robust governance structure, and clean code that others can rely upon. We believe GeoServer has all of these, but additional validation from a third party like OSGeo signals to the world that it is so. Thanks to the incubation committee and the board for approving our application, and to Richard Gould for serving as our mentor. And of course to the whole GeoServer community for taking us here.