GeoServer 2.3.3 Released
The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.3.3:
Downloads (zip, war, dmg and exe) are listed on the GeoServer 2.3.3 page along with documentation and extensions.
- This release includes and is made in conjunction with GeoTools 9.3.
Thanks to Warwickshire County Council for some great GeoWebCache integration work:
GeoWebCache tile layer HTTP cache headers are now taken from GeoServer layer configration
GeoWebCache settings are now correctly saved on Windows
A wide range of improvements provided by the community
Scale hints now exposed in WMS GetCapabilities document
Fixed Symbology Encoding 1.1 encoding of relative external graphics
Addressed axis order issues cascading WMS 1.3.0 services through GeoServer
More details can be found in the GeoServer 2.3.3 Release Notes.