The GeoServer team is pleased to announce GeoServer 2.9-RC1. Downloads are available (zipwardmg and exe) along with docs and extensions.

This release is made by Torben Barsballe (Boundless) in conjunction with GeoWebCache 1.9-RC1 and GeoTools 15-RC1.

This is a release candidate for final testing before we release 2.9.0.


  • This release requires Java 8 and is compatible with Oracle JDK and OpenJDK

  • GeoServer now requires Servlet 3 (so Tomcat 7 or newer if you are doing a WAR install)

  • Update to Spring 4 and JAI-EXT to 1.0.9

  • For more information, check the 2.9-beta, 2.9-beta2, and 2.9-M0 release notes.

Fixes since beta:

For more information see 2.9-RC1 release notes.

We would like to thank the sponsors of the Wicket 7 upgrade sprint: OSGeoBoundlessVivid SolutionsHow 2 MapSan Jose Water CompanyTransient and Geobeyond (with in-kind sponsors GeoSolutions, CCRi, Astun Technology and Voyager).

About GeoServer 2.9

Articles, docs, blog posts and presentations:

GeoServer Community

GeoServer Community modules provide an area for ideas and experimentation. Community highlights for this release:

Community modules should be considered a work-in-progress and are subject to quality assurance, documentation IP checks and a maintainer before being considered ready for release.