GeoServer 2.21.1 Release
GeoServer 2.21.1 release is now available with downloads (bin, war, windows), along with docs and extensions.
This is a stable release of the GeoServer 2.21.x series, made in conjunction with GeoTools 27.1 and GeoWebCache 1.21.1.
Thanks to Jody Garnett (GeoCat) for making this release.
Server Status
The server status page has been cleaned up with a few quality of life improvements:
- Units supplied for numbers, such as “7 threads” or “30,000 ms”
- Number of items held in the resource cache is shown, so there is visual feed back when using Clear button.
- Documentation has been updated to cover all the status field descriptions and document the available actions
For more information see Server Status page.
JVM Console
A new JVM Console tab has been added to the server status page allowing a summary of memory use to be reviewed and downloaded, and a summary of active threads to be reviewed and downloaded.
For more information see JVM Console.
Workspace headers for proxy url
A checkbox Use headers for Proxy URL has been added to the workspace page.
This setting an individual workspace use headers for proxy URL (even when the default in global settings has been disabled).
Improvements and Fixes
GEOS-10580 Server status page improvements for status, modules and docs
GEOS-10521 Allow GetFeatureInfo over raster layers to identify both original raster and transformed vectors
GEOS-10514 Better capture catalog configuration issues: layergroup with a misconfigured layer
GEOS-10501 GetMap: support auth headers forwarding to remote SLD urls
GEOS-10495 Request Logger Memory Buffer Limits
GEOS-10489 Add options to LDAP Role Service to configure prefixes and enforce capitalization
GEOS-10464 Improve logging and check for NPEs and other issues in Importer Module
GEOS-10584 Enabling logging of request body results in stream closed errors in tomcat environment
GEOS-10570 Deleting a style in a Hazelcast cluster renames the styles directory
GEOS-10553 Importer replace fails with schema mismatch
GEOS-10548 GeoFence layer group handling is inconsistent
GEOS-10546 Invalid time expressions used in WCS 2.0 subset return a code 200 with generic exception
GEOS-10545 Layer Group cache not initialized
GEOS-10539 DescribeLayer typeName is no longer workspace qualified
GEOS-10535 WFS Update request throw NPE on bad namespace
GEOS-10534 a badly formed delete transaction will get a NPE instead of an informative error message
GEOS-10533 Review startup logging INFO and WARN updates
GEOS-10526 Parallel REST API calls failures
GEOS-10522 REST API Failure in @ExceptionHandler No input String specified
GEOS-10518 Partial RELINQUISH_LOG4J_CONTROL regression with WildFly
GEOS-10516 WMS GetCapabilities dimension representations ignores the end attribute
GEOS-10496 Using the REST API to purge NetCDF granules causes a seemingly infinite loop
GEOS-10487 Custom logging configuration not respecting log location setting
GEOS-10468 (virtually) Impossible to turn off “Enable All Statistics” in > Server status > System Status
GEOS-10588 Build structure gs-sec-oauth2-core is duplicated in the reactor
GEOS-10585 Upgrade to Jetty from 9.4.44 to 9.4.48
GEOS-10579 Bump oshi-core from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1
GEOS-10562 Bump oshi-core from 5.8.6 to 6.2.0
GEOS-10551 Refactor commons-httpclient usage in the WPS module
GEOS-10532 FreemarkerTemplateManager API changes for easier subclassing
GEOS-10529 Use Awaitility to replace waits for condition in tests
GEOS-10525 Centralize and simplify management of common test dependencies
About GeoServer 2.21
Additional information on GeoServer 2.21 series:
- GeoServer 2.22.6 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.1 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.0 Release
- CVE-2024-36401 Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in evaluating property name expressions
- GeoServer 2.25.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.24.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.23.6 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.1 Release