We are happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.8-beta. Downloads are available (zipwardmg and exe) along with docs and extensions.

GeoServer 2.8 has a wide range of new features, behind the scenes changes, and a several of important security updates. This is beta release of GeoServer made in conjunction with GeoTools 14-beta.

This beta release is made available for collaboration with our user list (and is not intended for production). The beta release marks the of a feature freeze, we appreciate any and all testing during this period as we prepare for a September release.

New capabilities:

Fixes and improvements:

  • Significant increase in GML 3.X encoding speed

  • Pretty print option for style REST API

  • Allow environment variables to be used in freemarker template files

  • GeoWebCache parameter filters can now be set via GUI

  • INSPIRE metadata entry is now more forgiving and can be entered on a layer by layer basis

  • Fix for XXE security vulnerability has been revised and now functions in a JBoss environment

  • Faster startup for installations with large number of Oracle layers

  • The CSV output format can now handle WFS GetFeature join results (will transparently flatten the joined features)

Internal changes:

  • JAI-Ext integration for geospatial specific image processing operations, adding direct support for NODATA in raster sources. Disabled by default, needs to be enabled using a system variable.

  • Replacement of vecmath with EJML matrix library

  • Due to license restrictions the oracle extension no longer includes an Oracle JDBC driver, see the user guide for manual install instructions.

Community update:

  • We would like to welcome Stefano Costa (GeoSolutions) as a new committer!

  • Developers guide refresh covering release cycle, updating PSC members, and fixing tutorials

  • Responsible disclosure expectations covered on the website and user guide

See release notes for more information.

Thanks to Jody (Boundless) for publishing this beta, and the entire GeoServer team for an enormous effort bringing this release together.

About GeoServer 2.8

GeoServer 2.8 is scheduled for September release. For more information:

For additional details see the 2.8-beta and 2.8-M0 release notes.

New Community Modules

In addition to the formal GeoServer 2.8 release our code base has a community area for ideas an experimentation:

  • WCS and WPS output formats based on gdal_translate to provide a greater range of output formats

  • Embedded GeoFence server, REST API and GUI is the result of a productive collaboration between GeoSolutions and Boundless offering greater rule-based control of GeoServer security

  • MongoDB DataStore enabling GeoServer to publish from this popular JSON based document database (no zip packaging, needs volunteer)

Community modules should be considered a work-in-progress and are subject to quality assurance, documentation IP checks and a maintainer before being considered ready for release.