GeoServer app-schema meeting in Perth, Western Australia
Last week AuScope hosted a GeoServer app-schema meeting in Perth, Western Australia, to bring together developers, information modellers, and users:
The meeting was attended by Jody Garnett, GeoServer developers Justin Deoliveira and Gabriel Roldán from OpenGeo, AuScope Spatial Information Services Stack developers, GeoSciML gurus, and AuScope participants including GeoScience Victoria, Geoscience Australia, and Landgate. Discussions included the history of GeoServer app-schema, background on AuScope, user perspectives, and future development priorities.
Future development options that received support included:
Graphical configuration for app-schema (Wicket UI)
Support for polymorphism in encoded app-schema XML
3D geometry support
GML 3.2
WFS 2.0
and more. See the minutes for details:
The developers stayed on for a code sprint and:
Implemented vocabulary operations in CQL
Got GeoServer app-schema working with an ArcSDE backend
Got GeoServer WMS working with a simple feature WFS backend
Demonstrated encoding failure of ISO 19107 geometries (3D support)
Debated polymorphism implementation approaches
Wrapped Justin in org.geotools.xml.Encoder
To be fair, Justin is only the most recent maintainer
The source is 3.5 metres long when printed in 6 point DejaVu Sans Mono
One method alone is 1.2 metres long
AuScope thanks all the participants, especially Jody who helped organise the meeting, and the international visitors Justin and Gabriel who travelled from North and South America respectively. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
- Powerful SLD Styles & Filters in GeoServer
- Using Logical Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Exploring CQL/ECQL Filtering in GeoServer
- Using Spatial Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Using Value Comparison Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Using Binary Comparison Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Utilizing the Demo Section in Geoserver
- How to Implement Basic Security in Geoserver
- How to create Tile Layers with GeoServer
- How to style layers using GeoServer and QGIS