Raster Symbolizer tips & tricks - part 2
A new post on the Raster Symbolizer tips & tricks, this time I am going to show how to build an RGB image using 8 bits or unsigned 16 bits multi band coverages.
I have been playing lately with some remote sensing data for the geoSDI project specifically the emissive subdataset coming from the MODIS sensor on-board the TERRA satellite. A small sample dataset can be found here. Its gdalinfo is here below:
Files: EmissiveCampania.tiff Size is 63, 156 Coordinate System is: GEOGCS[“WGS 84”, DATUM[“WGS_1984”, SPHEROID[“WGS 84”,6378137,298.2572235630016, AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,”7030”]], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,”6326”]], PRIMEM[“Greenwich”,0], UNIT[“degree”,0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY[“EPSG”,”4326”]] Origin = (13.742259882413393,41.506517193315830) Pixel Size = (0.032872864093301,-0.009584951678830) Metadata: AREA_OR_POINT=Area Image Structure Metadata: INTERLEAVE=BAND Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 13.7422599, 41.5065172) ( 13d44’32.14”E, Lower Left ( 13.7422599, 40.0112647) ( 13d44’32.14”E, Upper Right ( 15.8132503, 41.5065172) ( 15d48’47.70”E, Lower Right ( 15.8132503, 40.0112647) ( 15d48’47.70”E, Center ( 14.7777551, 40.7588910) ( 14d46’39.92”E, Band 1 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Gray NoData Value=65535 Band 2 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 3 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 4 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 5 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 6 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 7 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 8 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 9 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 10 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 11 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 12 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 13 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 14 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 15 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535 Band 16 Block=63x65 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined NoData Value=65535
The goal was to build a simple RGB on the fly (WCS usage is als envisioned, hence we could not just build it offline) by using bands 11, 9 and 1 respectively.
The style I have used for doing this is reported here below, it is a nice guideline in case you want to do something similar with Landsat data as an instance and create a false color image from the oiriginal dataset ( I might blog about that as well sooner or later :-) ).
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
Since we are here, I will also show another rendering we have set up which applies a user defined colormap to band 11 (emissive temperature) which ranges from blu to red. Here is the style:
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
and here is the result:
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