GeoServer is updating our communication channels!

We know people do not like signing up for mailing lists, Twitter has been Xed out, and it is time to move on.

GeoServer User Forum

Welcome to the GeoServer User forum:

  • This forum is open to the public, we are pleased to meet you and hope you enjoy using GeoServer.
  • Hosted by Open Source Geospatial Foundation
  • All project communication including this forum are subject to our code of conduct
  • This is one of many options for community support and communication.

Sign in

Taking part is easy (sign-in with credentials you already have):

  1. Login to

    • Login “with LDAP” to use your OSGeo UserID (also used for other osgeo services).

      The button appears greyed out, but this is only poor styling choice. The button is enabled and works.

    • Use “Log in with GitHub” to use GitHub credentials.

    • More options are added over time.

    Discourse Login

  2. You may also use “Sign Up” if you want to create an account just for use with the Forum.

    Discourse Signup

  3. Unsubscribe from geoserver-users email list.

    We will continue to operate the geoserver-user list for the month of August, and then do a final synchronization of any outstanding email messages to complete the migration.

  4. Navigate to the category GeoSever / User to enjoy the forum.

    Discourse Signup

  5. Use New Topic to start a new conversation.

    Only the GeoServer / user subcategory allows new topics. If the New Topic button is disabled you may be looking at the GeoServer top-level category.

  6. To test please send introduce yourself we are looking forward to meeting you.

Use as a mailing list replacement

If you enjoy the out-of-band timezone friendly mailing list experience - Discourse allows you to subscribe to notifications, and use email to post and reply to topics.

  1. Sign-in to Discourse as above.

  2. From your profile preferences, use the email tab to adjust email settings.

    IMPORTANT: Email is only sent when you are not logged in to the discourse website!

    Discourse Email Preferences

  3. Navigate to GeoSever User category, and use the bell to change notifications to Watching.

    Discourse Notifications

  4. If you wish to update any email rules the new mailing is

  5. You can send email to to start a new topic.

    To test please send an email to introduce yourself (rather than a test message).

Mastadon and other socials

GeoServer is occasionally active on social media:

If you enjoy social media we would love some assistance reposting and highlighting our community activity. Contact us on your preferred social media platform to help out.

GeoServer Mastadon