GeoServer Blog
1.7.0-RC4: Fourth Time Is The Charm?
Today we have a new release candidate of GeoServer 1.7.x for everyone’s testing pleasure. We don’t wish to invoke Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox, but we are in fact very close to the release. In truth this release candidate only includes six new bug fixes (the most notable regarding projection persistence and Google Earth overlays). If it seems like we’re going release candidate crazy, rest assured that it is only because we want to ensure that 1.7.0 will be a stable release and not a beta that was rushed out the door. Give it a try!
Adesso abbiamo una mailing list per voi
Here’s a quick announcement for all those who understand the above. GeoServer now has an Italian language users mailing list! Created and moderated by core GeoServer developer Andrea Aime, the mailing list is a resource for those who would like assistance in all things GeoServer, but prefer to discuss in Italian. This marks the third language for which GeoServer has a mailing list (the second being Portugese). Subscribe and say ciao!
From the description of the mailing list:
Il gruppo di discussione degli utenti italiani di GeoServer. Potete scrivere per discutere delle funzionalità di GeoServer e ricevere aiuto. Chi volesse partecipare attivamente nello sviluppo di GeoServer è invitato ad utilizzate la maililing list degli sviluppatori (in inglese).
GeoServer Rebranded
For the past few months, the GeoServer team has been working behind the scenes on rebranding GeoServer. Historically, GeoServer hasn’t had a very strong visual identity, but there has been significant interest as of late, especially as talk of the new GeoServer UI has entered alpha status. So, ace stylers Andy Cochran and Chris Patterson worked their design magic and came up with a new icon, logo, and color scheme. So now we officially unveil the new look of (and this blog)! This was an iterative process, and the materials benefited from community involvement (specifically the icon, which now happily manages to squeeze in all continents). Elements of this design will eventually be incorporated into GeoServer itself. We also have a website which contains icons and logos available for download. We hope you like the new look as much as we do.
If you’re reading this blog through an RSS feed, why don’t you check out the site itself?
Cataloging Archaeological Sites, A MEGA Project
I just ran across this interesting post from a few weeks ago. It seems that an alphabet soup of non-profit companies, The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI), World Monuments Fund (WMF), and Jordan Department of Antiquities (DoA) are developing a geographic information system to manage archaeological sites in Jordan.
The Middle Eastern Geodatabase for Antiquities (MEGA) - Jordan will be a Web-based, bilingual (Arabic-English) system that will be used by inspectors, archaeologists, scholars, and government planners involved in cultural heritage management and research.To this end, the planners have embraced open source:
“…Software needs to be open source or low cost, because in Jordan a traditional GIS desktop license costs many times more than the annual salary of a highly trained technical employee.”And not just any open source GIS, too:
The open source software technologies will include PostGIS and GeoServer along with a public mapping front-end such as Google Maps.Not only that, it looks like that MEGA-Jordan is a prototype system set to be eventually deployed to other areas, such as Iraq. In a part of the world with a rich cultural history and a surfeit of archeological sites, this is information well worth cataloging.
This is a great use of GeoServer in the wild, and I will be following its development closely. Launch date is tentatively set for fall of 2009.
GeoServer on
GeoServer has been mentioned on the website In their Tips And Tricks area, they have written a quick tutorial on installing and running GeoServer in Linux (Ubuntu, specifically), downloading a TIGER shapefile, loading the shapefile in GeoServer, and even a brief introduction to styling. This page covers a lot of ground in a short space, but I think that’s its beauty in it. Some might be a little intimidated by the SLD styling code (someday a graphical styler with make raw XML coding unecessary) but it’s currently just a part of the process. All in all, it’s a great tutorial, and might be a good read even if you’re already familiar with GeoServer. There’s always more to learn, after all.