GeoServer Blog

GeoServer 2.1.3 Released

The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.1.3, now available for download.

For the most part this is a maintainance release consisting of bug fixes, but as usual a few new features and improvements have managed to creep in. A total of 59 issues were resolved for this release. Some of the new and noteworthy include:

  • basic http authentication with cascaded WMS servers

  • WMS 1.3 support in the layer preview

  • transparent sorting for all data stores, not only those backed by a database

  • embedded OpenLayers upgraded to 2.11

  • a number of INSPIRE compliance improvements

  • support for asynchronous WPS processes

And more. Check out the change log for the entire list. A big thank you to everyone who contributed patches for this release. This includes:

  • Tony Young for a monitoring patch to include support for the “user-agent” header (GEOS-4872)

  • Tony Young again for a restconfig patch to properly calculate grid dimensions for coverages (GEOS-4753)

  • Rudi Hochmeister for a documentation patch providing an installation guide for Debian Linux  (GEOS-4752)

  • Frank Gasdorf for a completed German translation (GEOS-4294)

Contributions such as these are what keeps GeoServer moving forward. And thanks to all those who helped out by filing bug reports.

Download 2.1.3, try it out and help us to continue to improve GeoServer by providing feedback on the mailing list and reporting bugs in the issue tracker.

Thanks for using GeoServer!

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GeoServer 2.1.2 Released

The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.1.2. This is mostly a bug-fixing release, with a number of minor improvements in the administration UI and REST configuration. There are however a couple new features that you might be interested in:

  • The ability to mark a layer as “non advertised”. Layers flagged this way won’t appear in the capabilities document, making it a good way to add a layer group without having to tell the world about the layers included in it, and for any ”work in progress” or temporary layer that the administrator does not want the world to see.

  • The imagemosaic-jdbc extension learned to load raster data from PostGIS 2.0 WKT raster. Mind, the support is pretty new and the configuration is not for the faint of heart, but we’re excited about this new developement and look forward to learn about how it works for you. Thanks to Christian Mueller for working on this.

We would also like to thank some GeoServer users that went the extra mile and contributed code and documentation patches for this release:

  • Lucas Heezen for contributing a REST configuration flag that allows to filter out geometryless feature types from a store (GEOS-4741)

  • John Hudson for adding the “ISO 19115:2003” as a type option in Layer Metadata URL (GEOS-4595)

  • German Osin for making sure stores are workspace qualified in REST config feature type list (GEOS-4772)

  • Milton Jonathan for fixing an issue occurring in REST config when switching a layer from one store to another (GEOS-4740)

  • Tony Young for a automatic configuration of SRS and bounds when publishing a layer via REST config (GEOS-4596)

  • Tim Schaub for fixing a double encoding issue in WFS exception reporting (GEOS-4680)

  • David Collins for a number of improvements to the user guide

Contributions like these help keep GeoServer responsive to the needs of our community and allow us to continue providing a stable and useful product. Thank you! Thanks also go to GeoSolutions for sponsoring this release.

Please download GeoServer 2.1.2, try it out, and provide feedback on the mailing list. Your feedback helps GeoServer to continue to improve.

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GeoServer 2.1.1 Released

Close on the heels of the release of our newest stable branch, the GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.1.1. While primarily a bug-fixing release, a number of enhancements have been made, including support for the upcoming PostGIS 2.0, the addition of a number of new WPS processes and the addition of the Teradata database extension to the release. As always, there are a great many people to thank for the successful release. Our contributors continue their tireless efforts to move GeoServer forward. Our users and advocates provide invaluable feedback and direction to the project. Sponsoring companies and groups provide much needed funding to drive the addition of new functionality.  This release I would like to draw special attention to a few contributions.

  • Rudi Hochmeister has contributed a patches to our logging system to simplify debugging and to fix a number of issues in our developer documentation.

  • Gianni Barrotta, Andrea Di Nora, and Pietro Arena have contributed a number of new WPS processes to the project.

  • Robert Coup has identified inconsistencies in the handling of URLs in the KML and GeoRSS output formats and has contributed patches to bring those in line with the rest of the code base.

  • Matt Bertrand has added support for the definition of character set during shapefile uploads and associated testing.

Contributions like these help keep GeoServer responsive to the needs of our community and allow us to continue providing a stable and useful product. Thank you! Thanks also go to LISAsoft for sponsoring this release. Please download GeoServer 2.1.1, try it out, and provide feedback on the mailing list. Your feedback helps GeoServer to continue to improve.

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GeoServer developers considering a switch to Java 6

GeoServer developers are considering a switch to Java 6 as the minimum requirement starting with GeoServer 2.2.0: this will give us an improved API to rely on, faster development cycle and a more common development environment setup (finding Java 5 is getting increasingly difficult, especially on some platforms).

The current stable series, 2.1.x, will remain on Java 5, giving people stuck on the old JDK at the very least another six months of support.

We’d like to hear your opinion on this move. Let us know by voting on the user poll:

Thanks for your participation!

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Getting a job with GeoServer

As GeoServer popularity raises it’s becoming more and more common to see job offers demanding GeoServer experience as a requisite. The companies providing support for GeoServer are growing as well, providing opportunities to the brave souls that want to work side by side with the core developers.

GeoSolutions, an italian company deeply involved in both GeoServer and GeoTools, is looking for a GeoServer developer that will code new features as well as install and manage production sites. GeoSolutions is also looking for a front-end developer that will develop the user facing portion of new geo-spatial applications powered by GeoServer.

Searches on, or also show a number of positions that either demand or have a preference for people with GeoServer experience, picking a few examples among the list:

We’re please to see this growth and hope you’ll enjoy working with GeoServer as much as we do!

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