GeoServer Blog

GeoServer 2.5.3 released

The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.5.3. Download bundles are provided (zipwardmg and exe)  along with documentation and extensions.

GeoServer 2.5.3 is the next the stable release of GeoServer and is recommended for production deployment. Thanks to everyone taking part, submitting fixes and new functionality:

  • A new process, PagedUnique, to efficiently grab large amounts of unique values from a layer column

  • Legend preview functionality in the style editor

  • A long awaited fix for poor font rendering when creating transparent map

  • Some fixes in WFS 2.0 joins

  • GeoJSON CRS syntax has been updated to the current valid one (we were using a old legacy one)

  • Some GetFeatureInfo further fixes for complex styles

  • Fix scale computation when the CRS unit of measure is not meters

  • Some WMS 1.3 rendering fixes with image mosaics

  • Avoid invalid reports of leaked connections when using SHAPE-ZIP output format against SQL views whose SQL is no more valid

  • Check the release notes for more details

  • This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 11.3

About GeoServer 2.5

Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.5 series:

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GeoServer 2.6.0 Released

The GeoServer team is pleased to account the greatly anticipated 2.6.0 release. This release is now available for download with zip, war, dmg and exe bundles available (see the change log for details on last minute fixes).

Thanks to the user list for testing the 2.6-beta and 2.6-RC1, this collaboration and testing really helped smooth our migration to Java 7. The Code Sprint at FOSS4G was able to fill in gaps testing oracle curve support, the marlin extension on a range of platforms, and providing documentation introducing wind barbs and inline custom marks.

Thanks to Ian Turton, Jody Garnett and Kevin Smith for assisting in this release. This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 12.0.

Java 7

Ensure you are using Oracle o OpenJDK Java 7.

Support for Java 7 is not only a new feature for GeoServer 2.6.0 - Java 7 is a requirement.

The installation instructions have been updated for windows, mac and linux users. Mac users will have an easy upgrade as includes an appropriate Java 7 virtual machine.

New and Improved

New functionality:

  • **WFS Cascade: **WFS Cascade has been updated to use a brand new GeoTools wfs client implementation.

  • Curve support for GML and WMS: GeoServer curve support has been added for interaction with Oracle Spatial. To configure look for Linearization tolerance when configuring your layer. As outlined in the FOSS4G presentation we are seeking interested parties to implement or fund curve support for PostGIS and SQL Server.

  • Advanced Projection Handling: Considerable care has been taken in the handling of raster data across the dateline and in polar projections.

  • **Coverage Views: **recombine bands from different sources into a multi-band coverage (use “configure new coverage view” when creating a new layer).

Coverage View Band Selection

  • Vector footprints support in image mosaics: you can now cut out of your images the “bad” parts using vector footprints, setup as sidecar wkb/wkt files, or as a global footprints shapefile

  • **Pluggable Styles: **this change allows greater integration with the CSS Extension (and opens the door for even more style languages in the future)

  • Wind Barbs and WKT Graphics: for greater creative control.

  • **Printing: **new implementation from our friends at MapFish (based on MapFish 2.x).

  • **Scripting community module: **a great new editor for editing scripts directly from the web application

GeoScript Editor for GeoServer

  • New raster formats: NetCDF and GRIB support, for anyone dealing with multidimensional data. NetCDF is also supported as a WCS output format, and it allows to extract data hypercubes out of your WCS server. Finally, it is also possible to build multidimensional mosaics of NetCDF and GRIB files, and add to the using the harvest REST API.

  • Language and Internationalisation: Turkish support has been added and French, Korean, Polish, Romanian are all caught up with the latest developments. Spot a translation mistake? Help translate here: GeoServer Latest localizations

About GeoServer 2.6

Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.6 series:

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GeoServer at FOSS4G

Thanks to PDX-OSGeo local chapter and the organising committee of FOSS4G for a great event. We had a great time meeting everyone, enjoyed an excellent and diverse program, and productive weekend code sprint.

Marcus Sen and Jody Garnett have kindly gathered up links to GeoServer content.

Group Talks:

GeoServer Talks:

Comparative Evaluations:

Vertical Integration:

Misc / GeoTools:

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Java Code Sprint

Day 1 Quality Assurance

Thanks to the foss4g and WhereCampPDX for

Automated Testing with CITE Team Engine

Andrea and Justin have lead the charge updating the GeoServer CITE tests (see Cite Sprint).

The goals are initially modest: enable developers (other than Justin) to setup and run CITE tests.

Justin is working on updating our “easy to use” CITE test harness build, while the others are hitting the latest version of the CITE tests and checking both ends, tests and GeoServer, for errors (and finding issues on both sides): Andrea Aime is working WCS tests, Mauro Bartolomeoli on the WFS ones, Jared Erickson and Brad Hards on the WMS ones.

GeoServer Manual Testing with 2.6 Nightly

Our plea to test 2.6-RC1 was not incredibly successful, so we are in for a bit of manual testing:

Thanks: Cristiane Andrioli, Flavio Conde, Ivan Martinez

Random fixes:

  • Update link for nightly release (Jody)

  • Nightly build is running again (Justin)

  • Documentation for weather symbols, custom WKT symbols, bulk custom WKT geometry

  • Testing of marlin, install instructions, package as geoserver extensions (Chris Marx, Ian Turton)

  • Testing Oracle+Curved test (Ian Turton)

GeoServer Day 2

If you would like to join us tomorrow:

  • Sunday, September 14th: Boundless is arranging facilities at nedspace from 10am-4pm.
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GeoServer 2.6-RC1 Released

The GeoServer team is happy to account the 2.6-RC1 release, now available for download. This release contains a number of good improvements and bug fixes since the 2.6-beta release. See the change log for more details and check out the 2.6-beta announcement for more about what’s new in the 2.6 series.

Download the release candidate now and help us by reporting any problems in the bug tracker or to the mailing list.

Spot a translation mistake? Help translate here: GeoServer Latest localizations

About GeoServer 2.6

Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.6 series:

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