GeoServer Blog

GeoServer 2.2.3 released

The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.2.3, now available for download.

This is the latest release of the stable 2.2 series and contains some small new features and interesting fixes:

  • [GEOS-3885] - Update Freemarker templates through REST API

  • [GEOS-5325] - Add title and abstract to LayerGroupInfo

  • [GEOS-5462] - The rendering thread can block forever under request cancellation

  • [GEOS-5479] - Error in Documentation: </PropertyName> tag used instead of </Literal>

  • [GEOS-5483] - json output in WPS extension does not work due to missing library

  • [GEOS-5485] - Border artifacts when reprojecting single banded (scientific) raster data

Also, looking at the corresponding GeoTools release changelog we have the following extra goodies in:

  • better support for chaining rendering transformations

  • fixes to time/date handling in CQL

  • Oracle specific SDO_NN function to find the N nearest objects to a given location

We also welcome our newest committer, Davide Savazzi, and thank him for the work on Freemarker template through the REST API and the title and abstract support in layer groups, as well as the SDO_NN work back in GeoTools.

Download GeoServer 2.2.3, try it out, and provide feedback on the GeoServer mailing list.

Thanks again for using GeoServer!

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GeoServer 2.2.2 Released

The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.2.2, now available for download.

This is the latest release of the stable 2.2 series and contains a number of good fixes and improvements including:

  • [GEOS-5157] - Can’t configure MediaType in INSPIRE extension

  • [GEOS-5376] - Line sizes with UOM in legend decoration are doubly scaled when using DPI

  • [GEOS-5377] - WMS GetFeatureInfo fails when post filter required

  • [GEOS-5388] - Confusing ‘Bad credentials forroot’ exception in verbose_logging mode when logged in as admin or root

  • [GEOS-5395] - Catalog reload breaks GWC integration, update sequence upgrade and namespace/workspace consistency

  • [GEOS-5402] - Subclasses of GeoServerPreAuthenticationFilter do not map local admin roles to global admin roles

  • [GEOS-5366] - Better heuristic for OWS Request filenames

A number of great fixes came in via community pull requests:

Special thanks to Carlo Cancellieri, Jared Erickson, and Andreas Hocevar for their contributions.

And last but not least we saw two new interesting community modules surface for this release:

Both are available as community nightly builds.

Download GeoServer 2.2.2, try it out, and provide feedback on the GeoServer mailing list.

Thanks again for using GeoServer!

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GeoServer Trainings

The GeoServer Community is pleased to announce a new section of the website devoted to Training. It’s yet another sign of the maturity of the GeoServer project, as there are an increasing number of options for people getting started with GeoServer or looking to advance their skills. Depending on interest we also hope to have regular blog posts about upcoming trainings.

At this time there is an Advanced GeoServer training put on by OpenGeo on November 19th, next monday. It will be conducted over the web, in a three hour interactive session, so anyone can join. The class will assume basic knowledge of GeoServer, focusing on new techniques to get more out of geospatial data served on the web. Topics include the REST configuration API, Web Processing Service, rendering transformations like heatmaps and barnes surface interpolation, SQL Views and more. Please join, as interest in early trainings will help more companies be able to put on more regular classes.

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Month in Review: October 2012

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GeoServer 2.2.1 Released

The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.2.1, now available for download.

A lot of fixes, improved security sub-system and new stable version of GeoWebcache included.


The GeoServer Team.


  1. GEOS-5279 (detail)

  2. Improved IM filter junit tests (detail)

  3. added check for null readParameters and fix format (detail)

  4. Layout fixes for IE (detail)

  5. Updating developer guide to require JDK 6 (detail)

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