GeoServer Blog
GeoServer 2.0 moves to Release Candidate status
The GeoServer Team would like to announce that GeoServer 2.0 is now out of beta and has moved into Release Candidate status.
In case you haven’t been following our previous posts, GeoServer 2.0 contains a completely redesigned user interface, using Wicket. Based on feedback from our beta testers, the move to RC1 consisted mainly of user interface improvements. One specific new feature to point out is that ArcSDE stores have a better configuration panel, one that simplifies requests to raster coverages.
With 55 issues fixed, this first Release Candidate is deemed stable by the GeoServer Team. But we need your help to verify this, so please download this new version and try it out.
N.B. If you wish to connect GeoServer 2.0 to your existing data directory (from 1.7.x), beware that GeoServer 2.0 changes the directory structure a bit, so should you wish to switch back to 1.7.x, you will need to hand edit some files.
Thanks to everyone who helped out with this release! Keep sending that feedback in. Assuming no large problems are found, we should have an official release in the next month or two.
Showcasing the integrated Community Earth Model
CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship and its partner AuScope are conducting a nationwide workshop to showcase the new technologies available to the geoscience community to access data about the Australian landscape. The AuScope Web Services Roadshow is visiting every state geological survey in Australia.
AuScope is helping to build an e-research infrastructure to federate nationally distributed data sets and develop tools to manipulate large data volumes. In collaboration with the geological surveys it is also setting up an Australian Geoscience Information Network. This network will provide the “glue” that enables the major geoscience and geospatial data stores of the government agencies to link with academic and industry communities and their applications. The Roadshow is showcasing a collection of tools as part of the Geoscience Information Network AuScope is building - which includes GeoServer with Application Schema support.
“The Australian Geoscience Information Network uses a coordinated cross-capability approach to resolving the data integration problem,” CSIRO Minerals Down Under Project Leader Ryan Fraser said. “The result is an integrated Community Earth Model which is can be accessed via the AuScope Discovery Portal and obtains its data live from the original custodians.”
The Roadshow workshop is designed to provide participants a clear idea of what they need to do to establish data services that suit their requirements. “The Roadshow will showcase the integrated Community Earth Model,” Mr Fraser said. “It will also show how the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) funded AuScope Ltd is establishing an Australian Geoscience Information Network to provide transparent access to computational tools and data and knowledge about the Australian landscape.”
For further details please contact: Ryan Fraser, CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship, AuScope Grid Ph:08 6436 8780
Robert Woodcock. CSIRO Minerals Down Under Flagship, AuScope Grid Ph:08 6436 8760
Bruce Simons Geoscience Victoria
GeoServer 1.7.6 Released
GeoServer 1.7.6 marks the seventh stable release of the 1.7 series.
As the development focus of the GeoServer team moves more towards the eventual release of 2.0, the 1.7 series is winding down. This release focused mostly on bug squashing and general stability, with improvements implemented for the shapefile output format and Next Generation Oracle datastore.
In addition, a few highly coveted features were added for this release. The ArcSDE datastore now supports connectivity to non-spatial tables as well as connection to a specified database version. KML support has also been extended to include output of 3d lines.
The WMS rendering issue discussed in a previous post is also included in this release.
We encourage you to try it out a try and let us know how you like the latest and greatest.
GeoServer in InfoGEO magazine
GeoServer is featured in an article in InfoGEO magazine. Written by active community member Fernando Quadro, the article is a brief overview of GeoServer. There may not be anything new here for those who are already familiar with GeoServer, but it’s still great to see GeoServer in print.
Original Article English translation (via Google Translate)
This is a good time to remind everyone that GeoServer has mailing lists in Portuguese, along with Italian and Spanish. Moreover, with the switch to our new documentation system, we now have the ability to have GeoServer documentation in multiple languages. If you are interested in contributing, please let us know.
Printing module now available for GeoServer 1.7.x
I’ve ported the printing module, previously available only for GeoServer 2.0, to GeoServer 1.7.x. I’ve created a wiki page for those who want to check it out.
PS: This post marks the end of my time interning with OpenGeo this summer. I’m glad to have had this opportunity to work on GeoServer, and hope that my contributions to GeoServer will be useful to folks!
- Powerful SLD Styles & Filters in GeoServer
- Using Logical Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Exploring CQL/ECQL Filtering in GeoServer
- Using Spatial Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Using Value Comparison Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Using Binary Comparison Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Utilizing the Demo Section in Geoserver
- How to Implement Basic Security in Geoserver
- How to create Tile Layers with GeoServer
- How to style layers using GeoServer and QGIS