GeoServer Blog
GeoServer app-schema meeting in Perth, Western Australia
Last week AuScope hosted a GeoServer app-schema meeting in Perth, Western Australia, to bring together developers, information modellers, and users:
The meeting was attended by Jody Garnett, GeoServer developers Justin Deoliveira and Gabriel Roldán from OpenGeo, AuScope Spatial Information Services Stack developers, GeoSciML gurus, and AuScope participants including GeoScience Victoria, Geoscience Australia, and Landgate. Discussions included the history of GeoServer app-schema, background on AuScope, user perspectives, and future development priorities.
Future development options that received support included:
Graphical configuration for app-schema (Wicket UI)
Support for polymorphism in encoded app-schema XML
3D geometry support
GML 3.2
WFS 2.0
and more. See the minutes for details:
The developers stayed on for a code sprint and:
Implemented vocabulary operations in CQL
Got GeoServer app-schema working with an ArcSDE backend
Got GeoServer WMS working with a simple feature WFS backend
Demonstrated encoding failure of ISO 19107 geometries (3D support)
Debated polymorphism implementation approaches
Wrapped Justin in org.geotools.xml.Encoder
To be fair, Justin is only the most recent maintainer
The source is 3.5 metres long when printed in 6 point DejaVu Sans Mono
One method alone is 1.2 metres long
AuScope thanks all the participants, especially Jody who helped organise the meeting, and the international visitors Justin and Gabriel who travelled from North and South America respectively. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
GeoServer printing preview release
Remember the good ol’ days, when the only maps you had were pieces of paper? The past is now!
Hi, I’m Alan, and I’m interning with OpenGeo this summer. My first order of business has been plugging MapFish’s printing capability into GeoServer as a community module; right now we’re releasing a developer preview. The module exposes an HTTP interface that allows the user to ask the server to compose an attractive map in PDF format. MapFish also provides a JavaScript library that allows easy printing from a OpenLayers map.
Up for trying it out? You’ll need to download a nightly build of trunk and add a few files to it. I have written up step-by-step instructions for anyone interested. If you have any feedback, please chime in on the GeoServer developers mailing list.
**EDIT: **The print module instructions have been updated for GeoServer .2.0.x. Please refer to instead of the old wiki page.
New Windows Installer
Update: As of GeoServer 2.0.1, the legacy installer has been merged into the new installer. This means that during installation, you now have a choice on whether to install GeoServer as a Windows service or to run it manually.
GeoServer has provided a Windows installer for the past 4 years (since at least version 1.2.4, if not before). It has always been simple and functional, providing a modest wrapper for the Jetty container found in the binary distribution.
However, there are a number of ways in which GeoServer works in this environment that could be more in the spirit of Windows. So, with the release of GeoServer 1.7.5, we have redesigned the way GeoServer integrates with Windows, in the form of a new installer.
This new installer offers a host of new user-friendly features. First of all, GeoServer now shows up as a Windows service, in line with other server software such as Apache HTTP Server or PostgreSQL . This alleviates the need to have a command line window persist on the desktop when running GeoServer. Integration with Windows Services allows administrators the ability to automate the management of GeoServer, although starting and stopping GeoServer is also still possible from the Start Menu as before.
GeoServer now appears on the Add/Remove Programs list. It was always possible to uninstall via the Start Menu, but the uninstall option is now in a place where more users will expect it to be.
The installer itself has been redesigned as well. It now allows you to link to an existing data directory (if you have previously created one). Also, it allows (and encourages) you to change the username and password for the web administration interface, a feature unique to this installer. (In all other cases, it is necessary to edit the
There are other some other user-friendly features added, such as the requirement (and check) for administrator rights to run the installer, to prevent errors during the install process.
Since this installer is very new and has not been tested on all platforms, we have included a link to the legacy installer that functions just like previous versions. But we encourage everyone to try out the new installer (and provide feedback on what works and what doesn’t) so that we can make the experience better. All in all, we feel that this is a marked improvement in the GeoServer Windows experience. Enjoy.
Ahora tenemos un grupo de discusión para la comunidad hispano-hablante
Here’s a quick announcement for all those who understand the above: GeoServer now has a Spanish language users mailing list! Created and moderated by core GeoServer developer Gabriel Roldán, the mailing list is a resource for those who would like assistance in all things GeoServer, but prefer to discuss in Spanish. This marks the fourth language for which GeoServer has a mailing list (the others being English, Portugese, and Italian).
En respuesta a la creciente demanda de información e ímpetu de colaboración de usuarios de habla hispana, hemos creado un grupo de discusión para la comunidad hispano-hablante donde puedes comunicarte con otros usuarios de GeoServer en español y discutir cualquier tema relacionado con el proyecto. Si quieres involucrarte activamente en el desarrollo de GeoServer puedes inscribirte en la lista de desarrolladores (en inglés).
We’re also looking for users to contribute documentation in Spanish, así que si quieres ayudar a escribir documentación en español dejanos saber.
GeoServer 1.7.5 Released
The GeoServer Team is happy to announce the the release of GeoServer 1.7.5, the sixth stable version in the 1.7 series.
This release contains some new features that are designed to improve the use of GeoServer in a production environment. Some new WMS settings have been added that allow the administrator to limit the amount of resources consumed by each WMS request, specifically in terms of memory and time used. It is also now possible to use JNDI connection pools for the DB2 and Oracle (NG) databases, providing better integration with enterprise environments.
The features pregeneralized datastore extension now allows an administrator to set up a vector data pyramid, and therefore significantly speed up WMS data serving over large data sets, especially those having geometries with a large number of coordinates.
The chart extension (previously mentioned on this blog) is contained in the release, allowing the overlay of typical business charts on top of WMS maps.
For Windows users, this version introduces a new service-based installer, making GeoServer run like any other standard Windows service, and allowing for easier administration.
And, as usual, a host of bug fixes (over 40!) have been incorporated into this release. Give it a try!
- Powerful SLD Styles & Filters in GeoServer
- Using Logical Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Exploring CQL/ECQL Filtering in GeoServer
- Using Spatial Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Using Value Comparison Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Using Binary Comparison Operators in GeoServer Filters
- Utilizing the Demo Section in Geoserver
- How to Implement Basic Security in Geoserver
- How to create Tile Layers with GeoServer
- How to style layers using GeoServer and QGIS