GeoServer Blog
GeoServer Tutorials from FOSS4G
Just quick note, the GeoServer team just put on a new workshop at FOSS4G. The conference is just getting started, but after we finish up here we’ll work in the coming weeks to make those materials more generic and available to all. For those who want a preview, or those in the workshop who want to follow up on what they’ve done, the materials are available in the docs at FOSS4G 2007 Workshop. In time these should result in some nice new high quality documentation. Thanks to everyone who attended and provided feedback on the software and the workshop.
If you’re at the conference and are using GeoServer do swing by The Open Planning Project’s booth in section A, a number of us should be there at most times. There are also a number of talks, and we’ve now got the times for them:
Wednesday, 8:30 in the Lecture Theatre - WMS Performance: Mapserver vs. Geoserver by Brock Anderson, Refractions and Justin Deoliveira, TOPP
Wednesday, 13:00 in the Lecture Theatre - GeoServer, Past, Present and Future by Andrea Aime, TOPP
Wednesday, 13:30 in the Lecture Theatre - GeoServer and the GeoWeb: KML, GeoRSS, TileCaching and SuperOverlay by Justin Deoliveira, TOPP
Wednesday, 15:30 in View Royal - Next Generation of Raster Support for the GeoTools-GeoServer Stack by Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
Thursday, 8:30 in View Royal - Managing WMS and WCS multidimensional NetCDF Datasets with Geoserver by Mickael Treguer, IFREMER and Martin Desruisseaux, Geomatys
Thursday, 11:30 in Oak Bay 1 - What’s Going On Out There?: Using GeoServer for Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Environmental Data by Tyler Erickson, Michigan Tech Research Institute
Thursday, 11:30 in Oak Bay 2 - Geoserver and Open Standards: A Success Story by Saul Farber, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
We also encourage you to check out Tim Schaub’s OpenLayers - Agile Geography in a Browser talk, which will include an application built with GeoServer’s versioning capabilities. After his talk we’ll post it live for people to preview, so see it there first.
GeoServer 1.6-beta3
The GeoServer Project is pleased to announce the release of the third beta of 1.6.0, now available for download. The main focus of this release has been a number of performance improvements, done by Andrea Aime. These center around the WMS, and can be seen most clearly on layers that do not have any labels. Soon we should improve the labeling as well, so keep an eye, since GeoServer is getting legitimately _fast. _Other improvements include fixes in reprojection in the WFS, with some of the WFS 1.1 work being backported to WFS 1.0. This allows us to do things like digitize on top of Yahoo! Maps and save the points back to GeoServer, where it automatically puts it in the right projection for the dataset. The final improvement for beta 3 is our GeoJSON implementation is now part of the standard distribution instead of a separate download. I for one am excited about this, as it’s about the only coding I’ve done in the past year.
Also, if you’re attending FOSS4G then please find us, we love talking to people who are actually making use of GeoServer. Many of us will be at TOPP’s booth, and perhaps we will try to pull together a BOF or something. And of course will be at the workshop and sessions on GeoServer. See you there!
GeoServer Hits 10,000 Downloads!
As many know, GeoServer 1.5.3 was released this past August. Well the numbers are in and it appears that 1.5.3 was warmly welcomed by the masses. August reported a record breaking 10,550 downloads of GeoServer in one month!!
For more information check out the SourceForge statistics over this year which show the August spike. Also of interest are the statistics gathered over the life of the project available here. Over its lifetime GeoServer has been downloaded over 180,000 times.
So, what can we infer from all this? Well for one thing GeoServer is definitely becoming more and more popular as the months go by. Special thanks to all of our users out there who have helped GeoServer reach this exciting milestone.
FOSS4G07 Drawing Near
The one month countdown to FOSS4G07 has begun. The conference is running from September 24 - 27 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. The GeoServer community will be quite active at this years conference with a total of 6 presentations and 1 workshop scheduled! The following is a list of the presentations, be sure to check them out.
GeoServer and the GeoWeb: KML, GeoRSS, TileCaching and SuperOverlay by Justin Deoliveira, TOPP
GeoServer, Past, Present and Future by Andrea Aime, TOPP
Next Generation of Raster Support for the GeoTools-GeoServer Stack by Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions
What’s Going On Out There?: Using GeoServer for Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Environmental Data by Tyler Erickson, Michigan Tech Research Institute
Geoserver and Open Standards: A Success Story by Saul Farber, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Managing WMS and WCS multidimensional NetCDF Datasets with Geoserver by Mickael Treguer, IFREMER
Furthermore, there are still seats available for the workshop scheduled for the Monday afternoon. The workshop is titled Introduction to Geospatial Collaboration using GeoServer and is targeted at beginners. However all users are welcome and a number of developers will be on hand to keep advanced users occupied.
We hope to see you there.
GeoServer embraces the GeoWeb
We are pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 1.5.3. This version represents the culmination of a ton of hard work to make GeoServer more compatible with the new formats gaining great popularity in the rapidly expanding geo world. Foremost among the improvements is a number of advances in our support for Google Earth. KML, the format understood by Google Earth, has been available from GeoServer for awhile. But our implementation wasn’t flexible enough to make good looking maps and to take advantage of the advanced features of the format. That has all changed, with better default styling, custom placemarks from templates, support for ‘Super-Overlays’ and Time, and automatic generation of legend information. There is also experimental support for referencing an existing cache of tiles to use in a Super-Overlay. The ability to style one’s 2d map and get the same output in Google Earth has also improved dramatically, as it now picks up proper scale elements.
The other big announcement is support for GeoRSS, which allows GeoServer data to also be served on Virtual Earth and Yahoo! Maps. The GeoRSS output can pick up the same pop-up templates as KML, so again you just have to configure your data once and it’s available on a number of different formats. With a bit of coding from Andrea we’re also now shipping with support for the map projection used by Virtual Earth and Google Maps, thanks to SharpGIS and Chris Schmidt. So now if you use 900913 as the EPSG code for your WMS requests our output will be perfectly overlaid on those maps. The final new web-friendly format is GeoJSON. This is not part of the main distribution yet, but you can download the plug-in, which is easy to add to a GeoServer instance. JSON is a smaller format than GML, and early reports have it coming down faster with less overall size for the same dataset.
The other efficiency improvement is support for paletted images, which allows very quick generation of images like png8 and gif that are much smaller in size than our normal output. This is very useful in situations with low bandwidth, and indeed with tile caching the size of the tiles becomes one of the biggest speed bottlenecks.
The final piece worth mentioning is advances in our Oracle support. Thanks goes to JDi Solutions for funding The Open Planning Project to perform the work. Oracle in GeoServer can now handle full WFS-T transactions against all coordinate reference systems. There have also been a few nice speed improvements with Oracle as well. Thanks to all the users and contributors who helped out with testing and feature suggestions, this project would not be possible without all of you.
- GeoServer 2.26.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.1 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.0 Release
- CVE-2024-36401 Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in evaluating property name expressions
- GeoServer 2.25.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.24.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.23.6 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.1 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.0 Release