GeoServer Blog
GeoServer 2.4.5 Released
The GeoServer team is pleased to announce the release of GeoServer 2.4.5:
This is the final stable release of the 2.4 series:
Oracle JNDI configuration now allows a fetch size parameter, limiting the number of rows that are retrieved in one gulp.
Fix for Polar stereographic projections
Fix for CSW namespace handling
Review the change log for the full list
Now is a good time to plan your upgrade to the 2.5 series. Our extended release schedule provides six month maintenance window allowing you to upgrade when ready.
This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 10.5.
FOSS4G 2014 Save the Date
Get your hack on the map this year at FOSS4G 2014. The event runs from Sept 8th-12th in sunny* Portland Oregon. The conference is an amazing creative gathering of everything that makes open source and mapping fun. It would be great to see you there.
Last year we had a great selection of GeoServer presentations. If you are interested in presenting please keep the April 15th submission deadline in mind.
* In traditional west coast fashion Sun may be replaced with large cups of coffee
GeoServer Sprint Sunday Sep 14
Have you booked your flight yet? Please consider staying an extra day to enjoy the company of the geoserver-devel team on Sunday Sep 14.
The GeoServer team is looking at extended the FOSS4G code sprint by an extra day in order to get some face-2-face work done. There will be a few teams attending remotely (hi CSIRO!) so if you are unable to extend your air fair you may still be able to take part.
We would like to thank Mike Pumphrey (Boundless) for arranging a venue. We are seeking additional sponsors to cover food and activities. Please contact Jody Garnett if you are in position to help out.
GeoServer 2.5-RC2 released
The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.5-RC2. Download bundles are provided (zip, war, dmg and exe) along with documentation and extensions. Currently we are awaiting compilation of the Mac artifacts.
GeoServer 2.5 is shaping up to be a great milestone and we would like to thank all those who have downloaded 2.5-RC1 and submitted feedback and pull requests.
The Oracle JNDI store now exposes fetch sizes,
CSW requests are namespace aware again and
Improved handling of unknown elements in configurations which should aid downgrading installs by Andrea Aime
Polar Stereographic projections have been fixed by Ben Caradoc-Davies
Further thanks to Andrea for reviewing and merging pull requests
Thanks to Ian Turton, Envitia and the Scottish Government’s AFRC for facilitating this release.
Check the release notes for more details
This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 11-RC.
With all this help GeoServer 2.5 is on track for release in March. We would like to encourage you to download the release candidate and test with your data. This will both help you avoid any surprises, and assist the team in bringing you the best possible GeoServer.
About GeoServer 2.5
Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.5 series:
GeoServer 2.5-beta announcement reviews key features of this release:
WCS 2.0 and WCS 2.0 Earth Observation have been added (thanks to DLR and Eumesat for funding this)
The addition of a batch importer to making setting up GeoServer easier (thanks to MapStory).
High performance PNG encoder based on PNGJ library (Andrea Aime). Improved JPEG performance using libjpegturbo available as an optional extension (Simone Giannecchini and Daniele Romagnoli)
Use of ST_Simplify to improve PostGIS rendering performance (a collaboration with Andrea and Jonathan Moules).
New implementation of GetFeatureInfo that takes into account symbol shapes, offsets, and dynamic line widths into account (thanks to Eskilstuna municipality for funding this).
Using GeoServer at IGN to create new digital maps is an impressive look at advanced styling deployed by the french mapping agency
Labelling a MultiPoint geometry with WPS (Boundless) is a good example of integrating WPS and Styling
Achieving extreme GeoServer Scalability with new Marlin vector rasterizer (GeoSolutions) shows an exciting JRE extension that can be used for improved performance. If you are using GeoServer with a large number of CPU cores you owe yourself an hour to try this out.
DXF output format promoted to official extension for GeoServer (GeoSolutions)
Active Directory based security in GeoServer through LDAP (GeoSolutions)
Extended Release Schedule
The GeoServer release schedule been extended with a six month maintenance phase. This change will result in less frequent releases of GeoServer, for a longer period of time.
The updated schedule for the GeoServer is 2.4 series is:
GeoServer 2.4.5 March 2014 (Stable)
GeoServer 2.4.6 April 2014 (Maintenance)
GeoServer 2.4.7 June 2014
GeoServer 2.4.8 August 2014
For more information please see the change proposal GSIP 107 - Extended Release Schedule.
GeoServer 2.5-RC1 Released
The GeoServer team is happy to announce the release of GeoServer 2.5-RC1. Download bundles are provided (zip, war, dmg and exe) along with documentation and extensions.
GeoServer 2.5 is shaping up to be a great milestone and we would like to thank all those who have downloaded 2.5-beta and submitted feedback and pull requests.
A couple map rendering issues have been fixed with better white space handling for CSS labels and crisp SVG symbols rendering.
Konstantin Surzhin has provided many small user interface fixes
Mauro Bartolomeoli has been untangling a conflict between the css extension and the printing modules.
Thanks to Andrea for his hard work, and constant review of pull requests.
Thanks to Jody Garnett and Boundless facilitating this weeks release.
Check the release notes for more details
This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 11-RC1.
With all this help GeoServer 2.5 is on track for release in March. We would like to encourage you to download the release candidate and test with your data. This will both help you avoid any surprises, and assist the team in bringing you the best possible GeoServer.
About GeoServer 2.5
Articles and resources for GeoServer 2.5 series:
GeoServer 2.5-beta announcement reviews key features of this release:
WCS 2.0 and WCS 2.0 Earth Observation have been added (thanks to DLR and Eumesat for funding this)
The addition of a batch importer to making setting up GeoServer easier (thanks to MapStory).
High performance PNG encoder based on PNGJ library (Andrea Aime). Improved JPEG performance using libjpegturbo available as an optional extension (Simone Giannecchini and Daniele Romagnoli)
Use of ST_Simplify to improve PostGIS rendering performance (a collaboration with Andrea and Jonathan Moules).
New implementation of GetFeatureInfo that takes into account symbol shapes, offsets, and dynamic line widths into account (thanks to Eskilstuna municipality for funding this).
Using GeoServer at IGN to create new digital maps is an impressive look at advanced styling deployed by the french mapping agency
Labelling a MultiPoint geometry with WPS (Boundless) is a good example of integrating WPS and Styling
Achieving extreme GeoServer Scalability with new Marlin vector rasterizer (GeoSolutions) shows an exciting JRE extension that can be used for improved performance. If you are using GeoServer with a large number of CPU cores you owe yourself an hour to try this out.
DXF output format promoted to official extension for GeoServer (GeoSolutions)
Active Directory based security in GeoServer through LDAP (GeoSolutions)
- GeoServer 2.22.6 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.1 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.26.0 Release
- CVE-2024-36401 Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in evaluating property name expressions
- GeoServer 2.25.2 Release
- GeoServer 2.24.4 Release
- GeoServer 2.23.6 Release
- GeoServer 2.25.1 Release